How can a designer become more expensive?

It doesn't matter if you are a freelancer, do you work for a company - do you want to cost more, right?

Time is our most valuable non-renewable resource and is best sold as expensive as possible.


How much do you cost as a designer?

My short value formula for a designer consists of six components: "Knowledge + Skills + Work & Experience + Achievements & Notoriety + Soft Skills + Insolence".

Let's take a closer look at each component and think together how to improve each supplement to make it more expensive.

Knowledge and skills
Like any specialist, a designer must have a certain set of skills and knowledge. This is both theoretical knowledge and tools in which the designer works, and profile skills (for example, motion design).

The value of this component is proportional to the time it takes to acquire that knowledge and skills.

How to improve:
Sharp your skills - Practice and improve your skills constantly. Read, Watch, and Listen - Improve "visual", subscribe to blogs, channels, and design magazines.
Work with modern tools. If new tools are not used on your current project, start a personal project and try a new one.
Take the long-term courses. Get knowledge that will be useful in your profession and add value to you.
See how others "sell themselves" - what knowledge they have, what methodologies they use, what programs they work for. Find gaps in your theoretical knowledge and fill them.

No one will pay you more than you ask. So, pay attantion to "expensive" projects, for example design for online casino or casino slot application, design of online slot machines etc.
The only way to get the desired amount of compensation is to request it with confidence. Don't think they will pay you or not. Your job is to voice this figure.

The ability to sell yourself, your charisma and persuasion are the main levers in increasing your own value.

How to improve:
Form for yourself how much you want. For the most humble, I suggest adding another 20%. Get used to this figure. Write it down on paper. Say it out loud. You don't trade - you don't need less. Forward!

My experience has shown that a significant increase in value is only possible when moving to another company. And this is many times easier than asking for a raise. So practice - go to job interviews and enter the job market periodically.

Work and experience
Where you worked - in what position, in what projects, what was your contribution, that you can demonstrate in the form of results - for many employers and customers is the deciding factor in choosing a designer. And this, unlike knowledge and skills, is the easiest to test.

How to improve:
Find a project to be proud of. Work on personal and open-source projects in your free time. Gather your portfolio into case studies.

Achievements and notoriety
Your popularity in the professional community and the rewards you receive can have a very positive effect on your value and the likelihood that they will be contacted with a good offer.

How to improve:
Participate in competitions.
Share the experience - speak, write, become an expert and build your personal brand.

Soft Skills
Be a good person.

Think about who you would hire? This person wants to learn, open to new knowledge, independent, able to work as a team? Highlight a few key skills. Find them with you.

How to improve:
Talk to recruiters. Ask what they would like to see as the ideal candidate?
Come on in for an interview. Analyze your answers. Remember how you answered the question.